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Our exercises are low impact type of exercise and are very safe, but as with all forms of physical activity, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor or medical support before starting our sessions. You should always complete a ParQ if you have had a break in your sessions for more than a few weeks and if any information has changed.

Before coming to a session it is recommended that you do not eat a heavy meal. Allow at least two hours after eating but make sure that you are not hungry. You should not exercise under the influence of alcohol or drugs or pain killers. Do not attend our sessions if you are feeling tired or ill.

This is not an instant fix, gaining results from our sessions are something that develops over time with patience and determination. It takes time for your body to respond to the exercises. Go at your own pace and you must listen to your body. How you feel depends on you and your level of fitness - which will improve over time.

Your instructor will guide you through each exercise, ensuring that you are in the correct position and engaging the required muscle groups. Breathing is important throughout our sessions and your instructor will take you through the correct techniques. If you have any questions throughout, your instructor will help and assist you. 

All exercise contains certain risks such as aches, pains, pulled muscles and general discomfort. This is usually a result of working parts of the body not used for a long time! Our sessions are designed to mobilise, stabilise and strengthen your body. This is achieved by moving and stretching, and sometimes using additional weights - but this will only be applied once you are ready. Pain is your bodies way of telling you to stop. If you have any pain at all, please stop and consult with your instructor. 

By reading this, you confirm that you understand the conditions and risks of participation and that you consent to voluntarily taking part in our Pilates session.

You understand that some sections of any medical notes and data collected will be kept and maybe return to by the instructors. This will be kept safe and deleted upon request, as long as it is no longer required.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on our contact page.

Informed Consent: Text
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