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The Core and #PD Shoulder Mount

Me in a PD Shoulder mount at the amazing Pole Sisters Studio in Bolton, UK.

This is a move that a lot of people wish to get! The Shoulder mount is not just about strength in the upper body and many people can get themselves to a point where they can kick their legs up and get maybe in to a PD inverted crucifix. However, a lot of people struggle to get the bum up and over and this is where your lower core strength comes in!

Credit unknown

These "lower abs" are the muscles that will help you get your bum up and over! To feel these muscles try and use your muscles to pull your belly button in towards the spine and up. You also want to feel a contraction of muscles by where your bikini line is. As you bring your legs up for your shoulder mount you then want to contract these muscles to help bring that bum and hips up and over. Your hips want to be above your shoulders when doing a Shoulder mount V.

3 Exercises to strengthen the lower core for PD Shoulder Mount

  1. Reverse Crunches

* Laying on your back, with your knees in the the air in a table top position. Have the hands by the hips for support.

* You don't want to use your hands at all in your movement.

* Deep breathe and tighten your core, use your lower core area to pull the hips and lower back off the floor, bringing the knees towards the chest.

* As you exhale, slowly and controlled, roll the spine back down on to the mat. When your hips hit the mat, hold and take a deep breathe in and start the movement again.

Progressions - add ankle weights

2. Single leg raises and lowers

* Laying on your back, with your hands by your hips for support, bring both legs into the air as close to a 90 degree angle as possible without bringing your hips off the floor.

* You want your spine neutral with no arching.

* As you take a deep breath in, lower one leg down to the point that it is just hoovering above the floor, not allowing the foot to touch the floor.

* Exhale and bring the leg back up using the lower core muscles.

* Alternate legs

Regressions - have one leg bent with the foot placed on the floor for support and do one leg at a time.

Progressions - both legs at the same time ensuring that the back does not arch. If the back does arch then please don't do both legs as this could cause injury and muscle strain that can be prevented.

3. Plank Jacks

* Starting in a plank position with extended arms (this can also be done as an elbow plank if you wish), ensuring that your bum is down and the feet are together. Have your eyeline slightly in front of you rather than between your hands.

* Taking a deep breathe in, engage the lower core muscles and jump your legs out in to a jumping jack position.

* As you exhale, jump the legs back in together to your starting position. Make sure that the bum stays down through out the exercise.

Regressions - plank hold

Progressions - added ankle weights, action alternate leg lifts before the jack.

These 3 exercises will help you start to build up your lower core to help you ace that PD shoulder Mount!

Any questions or if you would like to discuss how we can help you achieve your Pole Goals then just message us at or use the contact me page on the website

*All terrible drawings drawn by me!

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